KTBA and Mérieux NutriSciences perform research and analysis in order to improve global food safety and quality. Standard or customised solutions.
Integrity and proactivity
The laboratories of Mérieux NutriSciences carry out research and analysis for food safety and quality. Due to our customer service department and significant investments in knowledge and technology, our laboratories can handle any issue. Over 100 accredited laboratories available worldwide means there is always a suitable solution for you.
From the design phase to the shelf, we are equipped to perform every possible type of analysis. This could involve food safety, food quality and nutritional values. And for these analyses, we utilise specialised tests and research methods.
A team of experts will help you with any and all research questions. From research into sensory profiles to product innovation. In close collaboration with your department, we help you prepare and implement any research you desire.
Supporting the food industry

Water is een kostbare grondstof maar ook een van de belangrijkste bronnen van besmetting bij de productie van levensmiddelen. De kwaliteit van water is van levensbelang voor de gezondheid van mens en dier.

Het beoordelen van productiefaciliteiten met een omgevingsonderzoek zorgt voor beheersing van besmettingsrisico’s in het productieproces.

Met datamanagement beschikken over de juiste kennis en kunde om acties te ondernemen voor het verbeteren van het kwaliteitssystemen.
Water analysis
In addition to being a precious resource, water is one of the primary sources of infection in food production. Water quality is vitally important to both animal and human health.
Environmental monitoring
Environmental monitoring to assess production facilities enables you to control the risks of contamination in your manufacturing process.
Data management
Data management provides you with the right knowledge and skills to take the necessary steps to improve your quality-control systems.
Contract research
To guarantee product stability, quality and safety from the design phase to the shelf, sound scientific research is critical.
Sensory research
Find out how consumers evaluate your products. Measure the emotional and sensory aspects.
Pet food testing
As an animal feed producer, you have to meet ever stricter requirements. Scientific substantiation through research builds trust.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
The term ‘next-generation sequencing’ refers to high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies. Millions of DNA strands are sequenced simultaneously.
Microbiological testing
Testing products according to the AFNOR, APHA, AOAC, EFSA, FDA, ISO and USDA standards.
Chemical testing
Analysis with instruments and technologies, such as LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, real-time PCR and HPLC.
Scientific research
Research that, according to modern standards, meets the criteria of science.
Consumer research
Developing products that excite consumers. We work with your R&D and the marketing department to develop and implement research.
Challenge studies
Developing products that excite consumers. We work with your R&D and the marketing department to develop and implement research.